Prosthetic limbs aren’t just for people anymore. Now, scientists are able to help some of God’s innocent creatures who lose their limbs due to birth defects or injury.

Prosthetic limbs aren’t just for people anymore. Now, scientists are able to help some of God’s innocent creatures who lose their limbs due to birth defects or injury.



Take this calf named "Hero,” for instance. He was found with frostbite on both of his legs and tail in Virginia last April. He was taken to an animal rescue ranch to be nursed back to health after losing his legs.
His hind legs were removed, but the kind-hearted team didn’t stop working until they were able to fit him with prosthetics. 
Hero’s surgery was a success!
"We got totally healthy skin to cover the whole bottom of the stump. We also were able to bring the tendons around so that we had a nice cushion so that it wasn't bone on skin touching the prosthetic," said Texas A&M's Ashlee Watts.
It’s so touching to see people work so hard to make animals’ lives better. God put them here on Earth just for us and gave us dominion over them, yet it’s important to treat them with respect. 
God bless the heroes that saved Hero’s life!


Take this calf named "Hero,” for instance. He was found with frostbite on both of his legs and tail in Virginia last April. He was taken to an animal rescue ranch to be nursed back to health after losing his legs.


His hind legs were removed, but the kind-hearted team didn’t stop working until they were able to fit him with prosthetics.


Hero’s surgery was a success!


"We got totally healthy skin to cover the whole bottom of the stump. We also were able to bring the tendons around so that we had a nice cushion so that it wasn't bone on skin touching the prosthetic," said Texas A&M's Ashlee Watts.


It’s so touching to see people work so hard to make animals’ lives better. God put them here on Earth just for us and gave us dominion over them, yet it’s important to treat them with respect.


God bless the heroes that saved Hero’s life!


