Four has become a miraculous number for Minnesota couple, Tony and Allyson Ponto. After more than a decade of infertility, Allyson gave birth to four baby girls on Independence Day. And these 4th of July quadruplets are a true blessing!

Four wasn't always such a joyous number for Tony and Allyson. For more than a decade, the couple tried to have children. During that time, they suffered four heartbreaking miscarriages. But God promises to restore all that's been lost (Joel 2:25, Deuteronomy 30:3).
And that's just what He did for this couple!
Four Miracles
The Ponto's infertility journey eventually led them to in vitro fertilization (IVF). Just one baby would have been enough to send their hearts soaring. But God had bigger plans!
“All of a sudden I see two bloop bloops on the ultrasound," Allyson says, explaining the moment they learned the IVF treatment was successful, "and I’m like ‘oh my gosh there’s two in there? Holy buckets!'"
RELATED: After Struggling To Conceive, Couple Welcomes Miracle Quintuplets
But then more heartbeats appeared on the screen.
"And then -- bloop -- there’s another one, there’s three," Allyson explained. "And I’m like ‘There’s three?’ I’m looking at the tech like ‘What?’ And she’s like 'yeah I’m sorry but there’s four.'”
Four beautiful miracles who were well worth the long wait.
4th Of July Quadruplets
Things went well with the pregnancy. A c-section was scheduled for the end of July, and Allyson fully expected to make it to her 34-week delivery date. But God wasn't done using the number four to bless this lovely couple!
On the fourth of July, two weeks before their scheduled delivery, the Ponto's four little firecrackers couldn't wait any longer.
Allyson went into labor, and gave birth to four girls, including identical twins. And the timing is so perfect, it's clearly divine!
All four girls are doing well, and so is Allyson. It's been a long journey, but God is faithful
“I am excited to finally be a mom. It’s going to be work, there is four, but I’m excited to finally be a mom,” Allyson said.
h/t: GodUpdates
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